When we are not rehearsing our new songs, planning our light shows or playing at gigs we work very hard at the technical side of our set-up. So last night it was the turn of the drums to be subjected to a night of numerous mic set-ups and sound checks.
We were aiming for a well rounded sound that allowed all the individual elements of the drum kit to show their unique sound whilst occupying an individual space in the sound field. After trying many different combinations we found that the Recordman technique gave us the sound we wanted. This is a new and least -known technique, although it is conceptually similar to the overhead configuration of Glyn Johns' more famous set-up.
We also took the opportunity to introduce a second mixer desk to give more control over the drums mics and the sound guy more flexibility in pressing buttons and lighting LED's.
OK, enough of the dry technical stuff....... Come to one of gigs and hear for yourself how great the drums sound. You won't be disappointed.
